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At Times of Desperation

Many of us especially guys think it would be cool to utilize a fire arm and fight for our country and the people we love. However in reality times like this will only happen in chaotic situations such as the one slowly consuming Syria right now. Young men full of potentials were forced to train with firearms in order to topple the government?! In what desperateness future generations of the country were forced to fight against their government? In times when human rights were violated.

In Syria, rights of the citizens were confiscated by the government to a certain degree where people of the country were forced to rebel against the government which was suppose to be based on the citizens for the citizens and by the citizens. One of it was the right to take part in the government either directly or through representatives as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21. This so called “democratic” country was ruled by a single political party for over 40 years because the citizens vote for them for the contribution they did? NO! The Ba’ath Party ruled the country through dictatorship and a series of hidden unlawful and unethical tactics! Till date, various efforts from various organisations such as the United Nations were received however sadly no drastic measures to resurrect peace in Syria has taken place. Syrians can only endure the pain of civil war while praying for it to end quickly.

-Dickson Chew

The Molly and Tommy of Riverdale


 Do you remember those days when we were much younger, huddled into a corner reading the tales of Betty and and their never ending love for Archie? If you are an Archie comic collector like me, you’d understand why I’m choking up on my nostalgia.

Before in the pre-historic times of Archie comics which mind you was running for over 70 years, every Archie comic character was straight; meaning that all relationships had to be between a man and a woman. But there was one issue that came out recently called Life with Archie #16 featured its first very gay couple. 

But that aside, an American Christian Conservative group called One Million Moms called Toys R Us to stop the sales of that particular Archie issue due to the fact that it would be “very difficult” to explain to children about what homosexuality is. But let’s get real for a second here, explaining homosexuality to a child is equivalent to convincing a child that Santa or the Tooth Fairy exists. How difficult could it be to explain that sometimes, love comes in different forms and in this case between the same gender.

On a personal opinion, I find that Archie comics to be my personal haven and for the creators to write something about the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) community is somehow uplifting.Other comics to follow suit or currently supporting gay rights are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Astonishing X-Men, Batwoman, Kevin Keller and Earth 2.

p/s: The meaning of Molly and Tommy is that Molly was used for male homosexuals in the 18th century in England and Tommy was for female homosexuals which was used in 1781, which actually comes to show that homosexuality was here way before stepping on any conservative parties toes.

Kimi Nandini Laxmi


Humans lost humanity

Feelings are dead

The world is one machinery

Humans lost humanity

Success dominates

Without regard to casualties

You’re one link in a big chain

Without success you’re nothing

The individual doesn’t count

Profit is more important than a man

People are dying from starvation

On a price policy destroys tons of food

Humans lost humanity

Feeling are dead

The world is one machinery

Humans lost humanity

Success dominates

]Without regard to casualties

You’re a product of society

Controlled by the stress of working

No love for little children

No care for old peoples

Daily round kills all feelings

Parents maltreat and rape their children

More psychopats and sexual crimes

Ecocide cause of economic growth

Some people take refuge in drugs

And love is for sale

More weapons for more senseless wars

Some people laugh while world suffers


The lyrics of this song pretty much says what the world is. People has lost humanity because of selfishness. People no longer care about what people feel as long as they are getting what they want. Sexual crimes, killing crimes, and other cruelty are happening more and more often as days go by. Parents raping their children ? What are the parents consuming into their heads ? Putting their own flesh and blood into pain forever because of the cause of their own parents. Having the rights to own guns but violating the purpose of it and causing many innocent death. Starvation is still happening when there are rich people getting richer and hungry children remain hungry. Revolutions for the people rights are on going because authorities only care for their position and the economy growth of the country to be wealthy. Lost of love for  the little children, baby dumping, baby girls being killed just because they are girls, and abortion. 

Have to agree that there are a lot people out there that are trying to change the world but there are a lot that are not helping at all and making the world into a worse place instead. Everybody have to realise that the word has to have love for a better future for the children that are yet to arrive to this world. We must set a foundation of love even before they are here and by doing that we have to stop violating human rights and start loving and respect one another. This can be solved if we put in effort to influence the bad into good and start making a change right now instead of letting others to take the first step. 

-Samantha Kok




During the War in Iraq,prisoners in the ABU GHRAIB PRISON were tortured in the form of sexual abuse,physical and psychological.This issue attracted the eyes of the world towards IRAQI prisoners and a bad point of view on United States Army’s Military Police because the human rights violation committed by them. Its become more sensitive when the abuse pictures spread viral through internet. Once the news revealed in Taguba Report the investigation begin. through the investigation it has been identified that 17 soldiers and officers include  female officers involved in this inhumane activity. Initially it was planned to broadcast on television as 60 MINUTES II like a story on abuse included the photographs but due to the request of Department Of Defence it was stopped from broadcasting. Once the NEW YORK MAGAZINE identified and published the article and photographs, CBS proceeded to broadcast the video.

abu 1abuse5The action that taken place were urinating on detainees,jumping on detainees legs with such force that it could be not heal properly afterward, continuing by pounding detainees wounded leg with collapsible baton,pouring phosphoric acid,tying ropes to detainees penises and dragging in the floor, force to oral sex and etc. As stated in United Nations Convention Against Torture (Article 1) ‘Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person  for such purposes  as obtaining from him information or a confession, punishing him for an act he has committed or is suspected of having committed or intimidating or coercing him” have to be punished severely.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    abu2abu_graibh1

Even they are prisoners is this the way to treat them? Or there is any law said that prisoners should be treated like this?How you feel if any of your family member treated like this in jail?We should understand that prisoners are normal human. Except God we did not have any rights to harm others regardless the degree of crime they did.


Racism at AC Milan Players

AC-Milan article-2256629-16BD202E000005DC-264_468x286

On 3 January 2013, Thursday, a football friendly match between AC Milan and Pro Patria was abandoned. The reason was some Pro Patria supporters acted like monkeys at 4 Milan black players. They were K.P. Boateng, Niang, Muntari and Emmanuelson. Boateng responded to racist chants by kicking the ball at a section of crowds. He and his teammates left the field in 26minutes.

This was the first time that a team stopped the game in football history because of racism.

Just like Boateng wrote on Twitter, “Shame that these things still happen.”  racism should not happened in this modern era. I can’t understand the fans’ behaviour. Why the fans need to do the monkey gestures at the black players? Supporters don’t need to jeer with racist words at the opponent’s players to influence their performance but they can support their team and give opponent pressure by cheering with slogan. Although the fans are nervous about the process of the games, they still must be calm down. Their favourite players will also shameful and absolutely disagree their behaviour because the club’s image will affected and the club will fined for the racist chants. I also want to praise Boateng action because he was very brave. Everyone is entitled to all the freedoms and rights without any discrimination such as race and colour.

-Ng Hong Kai-

Scars Are an ‘Honor’ Victim’s Sole Testimony

This is the story of Gul Meena, an Afghan girl who had an axe swung into her face and neck by her own brother because he believed that she dishonoured their family by running away with a man to whom she was not married. According to her relatives and people in her village, she was married. Her caretakers at the shelter she now resides believed that she is only about 16 years old. In Afghanistan, where child brides are common, are treated badly or flogged if they had been found or even suspected of escaping from their marriage.

Due to the traumatic event, Gul Meena is experiencing a loss of memory, only remembering the origins of her family and her siblings. However, she could not recall events that led to the attack or the attack itself. According to doctors who treated her, they thought she would not survive, given the severity of the attack, much less regain the ability to walk, wash herself, eat and speak. They were even unsure whether she would ever regain her motor skills.

When asked what she wants to do now, she replied she wants to return to her family. However, women’s advocates point out that many ‘honor killings’ happened recently to regain the family’s standing in the community. They think that Gul Meena should not go home because there is a high probability that her brother will try to kill her again since no actions were taken towards him since the attack.

By Chamayne Chang









Can one person really change the world? Definitelly! Time and again, the actions of passionate individuals have changed the course of history.

The struggles and achievements of individuals such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Aung San Suu Kyi are well known but you don’t have to be famous to make a difference in your world. BE the difference, BE the change, and BE the person who dictates and not the one being dictated. Strive in front and don’t look back. Change doesn’t come by if we wait for another person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
― Apple Inc.

– Joo Minn –

10 Protests That Changed The World

This video shows the 10 best protests which changed the world to a better stage. Most of the protest is fight for anti-government corruption, made the government more transparent, freedom of speak and democracy. As we all known, freedom of speak out our opinion and expression is the most basic human right according to article19 which declare in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Society exists because we, the people, believe in united and collectivism hence come together to run the society under some value systems and conditions. Besides that, societies must also running on the lines of value systems, righteousness and right ethics, so rules and laws are the spine of the society. We can’t imagine the condition of a society without rules and laws.

Although rules and laws is important but how if it violate our human rights? Should we keep silent when the government is leading our country towards a wrong way or rise up and reflect our opinion to the government although it against the rules and laws? (Because protest in street is illegal in some country) So, think about it my friend and give yours opinion too.

-Yong Zi Yee-

Listen! Listen! Listen!

Recently, this video has gone viral on Facebook, Youtube and many other social websites. Every Malaysians should take a look at what is happening in Malaysia rather than just sitting in our comfort zone and ignoring everything that has nothing to do with us. However, there are also minority of Malaysians who are starting to realize that it is time to fight for our own rights, fight for what is right and what is wrong.

In the video, Miss Bawani was just trying to give out opinions on how to improve our country. However, Miss Sharifah Zohra Jabeen took Miss Bawani’s microphone away. Miss Bawani was obviously robbed off her rights to speak in public, the rights to give out her opinion. As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19, everyone should have the rights to share their opinions and thoughts.

In the video, most of the students just sat down and clapped, some even cheered at whatever Miss Sharifah Zohra Jabeen said because she has authority over Miss Bawani, just like most of us would do if we were in the hall.

It is time for us Malaysians to stand up and speak about what is right rather than letting others control our thoughts, forbidding us from speaking, from doing the right thing.

-Looi Juin Yi-

The Dog Shit Girl


Dog Poo Girl also translated as “Dog Shit Girl,” “Puppy Poo Girl” or “Dog Dung Girl.” It’s the nickname given to a woman who refused to clean her dog’s feces after the dog defecated on a subway car in Seoul, Korea.

On June 5, 2005, the girl brought her dog onboard the Seoul Metropolitan Subway. The dog pooped right next to the old man and the girl  had many bags to carry so that she was embarrassed. She didn’t know what to do at the time. And other passengers yelled at her to clean it up,but she refused,despite being told to by other passangers. She was just looking at her dog and petting it. The subway way train got to next station and when the doors open, she got off. At that time, she said something rude to the passengers. Therefore someone took a picture of her and posted on the Internet. Unfortunately for the young woman,the photo quickly became one of the most popular image searches on popular Korean web portals within hours. Soon Internet vigilantes began closely examining the picture for any clue as to the girl’s identity. And within days, she had been identified and much of her personal information was exposed on the Internet in attempt to punish her for the offense. A University website that the women supposedly attended crashed as millions emailed the University to express their outrage. The University was forced to issue a plea to the public to stop emailing as the Dog Poop Girl wasn’t a student there. The story received mainstream attention when it was widely reported in South Korean media, and was discussed in Korean communities in the United States as well. Eventually,the public humiliation led the girl to quit her university.  Here is the girl’s apology after all this happened:

“I know I was wrong, but you guys are so harsh. I’m regret it, but I was so embarrassed so I just wanted to leave there. I was very irritable because many people looked at me and pushed me to clean the poop.  Anyhow, I’m sorry. But, if you keep putting me down on the Internet I will sue all the people and at the worst I will commit suicide. So please don’t do that anymore.”

I think the girl is a victim of the Internet. Because everyone has the right of privacy. The reaction by Korean netizens to the incident prompted several Korean newspapers to run editorials voicing concern over Internet vigilantism. Someone said that “the Internet is turning the whole society into a kangaroo court.” Posting the girl’s picture was acceptable,but posting her personal and families’information was inappropriate. A person’s punishment should be equal to her faults. The implications for personal privacy should be concerned.

-By Zhang Ya Jie (Jane)-